Export Annotations

I am trying to do annotations and export them to a file , I am not able to find an option on annotations screen. Anyone here could find it ?

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Hi @droneChamp welcome to AeroMegh Professional, glad to see you here, you can find it right in the toolbar but for that you will have to be in details report screen. Make sure you finish the task and then enter the details report screen, I am talking about manual annotation task here.

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Oh I see, I was trying to figure it out on annotation screen under training task , sure I will check that out, so this means its not possible from annotations screen ?

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Hi @droneChamp,
Yes, you can export from the annotation screen as well, but it will not export annotations for all images. It will only export annotations for the current image.

If you want to export annotations for the current image, simply click on the top right-side button named “export.” The export menu will open, and you can choose the desired format. Annotations for the current image will be exported. Similarly, you can import annotations by clicking on the import button.


thanks @aakashgovardhane i just forgot to check this out after posting here, seems like what you specified , I will try it on my end , your 15 days trial running out of time fast , so many things to test. I want to suggest such platform to my senior for one of the projects, also reached out to your support guys are helpful.

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I appreciate your feedback and I’m glad to hear that you found the information helpful and that you’ve been in touch with the support team. If you have any specific questions or if there’s anything else you’d like assistance with regarding the platform or your trial, feel free to contact our support team at support@aeromegh.com. Additionally, I’m here to help if you need any information or guidance to present the platform to your senior for the project. Good luck with your testing and evaluation!

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