Analysis of logs

Hello Guys,
I had taken a flight today and suddenly my drone got crashed while flying. I’m sure it is because of the battery failure as I have faced same issue like this before. I just wanted to confirm it and need to analyze the logs. Is this feature available ?

Hey @Raoshet ,
That’s sad. This feature is there in AeroGCS Config. Once you connect the drone, in RPA configuration section you can find the Log Analyzer in that you can download the logs in Bin format and also do the analysis for the logs. Please check the screenshot for detail understanding.


@aniket_avati Thank you for such quick response. I will definitely try it.

Looks like you forgot to enable battery safety settings

how to analyse if GPS is working fine or not? what are the parameters?

@DroneGirl you can check the values of HDOP and Nsats in the GPS section. The number of minimum GPS satellites required are 10. and HDOP value is 0.6 to 1.2 in ideal case or depending on which GPS is being used.

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