Processing Image Data with Ground Control Points and Report Generation

I surveyed my farm using five ground control points and uploaded image data onto a DroneNaksha for processing. I’ve processed this data, but I’m looking to incorporate the ground control points for a more accurate analysis.

Is there a way to process the same dataset using these ground control points? If so, what methods or options are available for this process in the DroneNaksha?


Hiiii @roronoa
Yes, Dronenaksha has the ability to insert Ground Control Points (GCP) into images. GCP data information can be imported in any format, such as Degree or UTM.
When you import a GCP file into the Dronenaksha dataset, GCPs and nearby images are highlighted with circles.
Please check the attached screenshot for details on how to import GCP files and mark GCPs within your image set.

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I’m seeking clarification regarding the process of marking Ground Control Points (GCP). Could you please provide more specific details or guidance on how to mark GCPs? Additionally, I’m unsure about the quantity of images that should be marked for each GCP. Any insights on this matter would be immensely helpful.

Thank you for your assistance.


Hi @roronoa
please follow the document. 16. Ground Control Points (GCPs) - DroneNaksha User Manual. If you are facing any problem regarding to this. you can contact us on We will guide you step by step for the same.

Hello, @roronoa

To start, upon adding the GCP CSV file, you’ll receive a set of predicted images displaying circles that may contain GCP. Subsequently, choose any circle and verify if the image includes a GCP marker. If it does, proceed to mark it accordingly.

Furthermore, it’s recommended to mark approximately 5-6 images for each GCP.

Should you have any further inquiries or uncertainties, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at



Thank you @PRAJAKTA for your input. Based on the information you provided, I have processed the images containing GCPs. In the generated orthomosaic image, I can identify the GCP flags. Presently, I’m seeking information on where to download the GCP report. Could you please advise on the location or procedure to obtain it?


Hii @roronoa
To access the GCP report in DroneNakhsa, navigate to the tools section and choose the “download asset” option. From there, proceed to download the “main report.”

Within the main report, you’ll find comprehensive information about the GCP data.


@PRAJAKTA Thanks a lot for your help! :pray:

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Hello @PRAJAKTA is it recommended to mark only 5-6 images for each GCP or will it change according to the sq km area or if i have terrain which has different elevations will i need to mark more number of GCP .