Live tracking in AeroGCS-ORANGE

How do I start live tracking in AeroGCS-ORANGE ???

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HI @Virat welcome to AeroMegh Professional , yes you can perform live tracking using AeroGCS Orange , all you need is an AeroGCS Enterprise account, log in using this account in your GCS and then simply start tracking from FLY view using live button. Let me know if you could do it or not.


Also if you dont have an account AeroGCS Enterprise comes with 15 days trial as well.

AeroGCS Enterprise allows live tracking of a flight from AeroGCS-ORANGE. The user has to follow the steps here to start live tracking of a flight.

  1. Create and upload plan from AeroGCS-ORANGE.
  2. Open an AeroGCS Enterprise to track a flight.

    3.Select the “Drone Control Center” option from the left-hand menu bar of AeroGCS Enterprise as shown
  3. Flying a drone with “Takeoff” command and start live tracking using live button.
  4. Select the live drone from control center.